Rules, Permits & Membership


Access to the marked trails is restricted, on private property & by prior arrangement only.

Mtb access is approved for Tulbagh Mountain Bike Club members and permitted riders.

Please be considerate of the trails and your surrounds in every aspect.


  1. Ride at your own risk
  2. No permit no ride
  3. No helmet no ride
  4. Close gates behind you
  5. Farm’s traffic ALWAYS has right of way
  6. No littering anywhere
  7. No picnicking on the route
  8. No fires or smoking on the route
  9. Stay on marked tracks
  10. No riding after 18h00


Annual membership for individuals: R500 per individual.
Annual membership for family: R800 per family.

Tulbach MTB Club has a dedicated team that build and maintain the trails that make mountain biking here the special experience that it is.

If you are not a member, we ask that you contribute R60 per member per day to help with the financing thereof.


We thank our landowners for their generosity in allowing us to traverse their land. We ask that you respect this by sticking to the marked trails and leave nothing behind but your tyre tracks.